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How to Apply for the new Brexit “TIE” Card Depending on Situation

British citizens with an EU certificate (green card) 

Before 31st December 2020, citizens from the UK who already live in Spain, should make an appointment at the corresponding national police office near their place of residence. 

They must go in person, and will request the issuance of the new Brexit residence card.

British citizens with a permanent EU certificate

Citizens from the UK who have been in Spain for a minimum of 5 years with a permanent EU certificate, should make an appointment at the corresponding national police office near their place of residence.

They must go in person, and will request the issuance of the new Brexit residence card.

In this case, the validity of the card will be 10 years.

British citizens with temporary residence certificate

Citizens from the UK who have been in Spain for a minimum of 5 years but do not have a permanent EU certificate, just a temporary one.

From July 6th and before 31st December 2020, will have to make an appointment in the national police that corresponds according to their place of residence.

They must go in person, and will request the issuance of the new Brexit residence card.

To have the validity of the card for ten years, they will have to prove that they have actually been living in Spain for more than 5 years.


British citizens who have never obtained the EU certificate

British citizens who have not started living in Spain yet, but knowing that regularizing its situation is much easier until the end of the year, would like to start the process as soon as possible.

In this case there is an extra procedure:

The first thing to do is start the procedure at the foreigner’s office. This can be done in person by appointment; or online (with the help of a lawyer if you do not have a digital certificate).

If the British citizen observes all the basic requirements, they may be granted a residence permit to live in Spain beyond December 31. 

These requirements are the same that any European citizen who begins to live in Spain must observe: having sufficient financial resources and medical insurance.

Once this part of the process is finished, you must make an appointment with the police to request the issuance of the new residence card.


Relatives of British citizens living in Spain who already have a Community Card

The procedure is exactly the same.

They must make the modification of the community card to this new special withdrawal agreement card.

Before 31 December 2020, will have to make an appointment in the national police that corresponds according to their place of residence. 

They must go in person, and will request the issuance of the new Brexit residence card.


Relatives of British citizens already living in Spain in the country of origin

Relatives of a British citizen who want to start living in Spain.

If they do not have a community card, they must request the authorization of special residence at the foreigner’s office, and again, once resolved, (after complying with all the requirements of the current community card), the issue of the new residence is requested at the police.

All of these have until the end of 2020 to carry out this procedure.

Foreigners who have applied for the card as a family member of a European community member and have it in process

Any card in process that has to do with British citizens or their relatives is directly assimilated to the new card by withdrawal agreement.


How long does it take to get this new card?

Once you have an appointment at the National Police office and request the issuance of this card, it should take a maximum of 20-25 days to issue it and deliver it to you. Due to Covid however, waiting times are slightly longer (around 30 days).